Presıdent’s Message

Dear Valuable University Students,

Turkish industry and economy are rapidly transforming and advancing. Our country is becoming a production and investment hub for foreign investors. Various industrial facilities are being established in different regions, and in parallel, there is an increasing need for skilled personnel who can use modern technology, think creatively, and possess proficiency in foreign languages.

The growing service sector is also in need of educated and confident employees who can meet the changing expectations of society by being well-read, research-oriented, and analytically adept. In Turkey, which shines with its young population, the industrial and business world is increasingly requiring qualified professionals with practical experience.

It falls upon us to share the valuable experiences we have gained within Turkish industry over the past half-century with the youth of our country. The Gedik Education Foundation, established in 1994, was our first step on this path. In 2011, by combining the know-how we acquired through Gedik Holding companies with academic studies, we founded Istanbul Gedik University with the aim of accelerating the development of our country’s industry and service sector and meeting the need for qualified personnel.

The fundamental mission of our university is to create an exemplary model of industry-education collaboration in Turkey. Within this framework, we are developing projects that will contribute to the development of both your foreign language skills and professional confidence by offering you the opportunity to pursue part of your education abroad. With our practice-oriented education program, we aim to nurture experts that employers will prefer.

I wish each and every one of you a successful future.

Hülya Gedik

Gedik Education Foundation

Istanbul Gedik University
Chair of the Board of Trustees