Ethics Committee for Human Research

Purpose of the Human Research Ethics Committee:

  • To ensure that the researches that require human use as the data source to be carried out by the academic and administrative staff within Istanbul Gedik University are carried out within the framework of universal research ethics without threatening the physical and mental health of the participants,
  • To ensure the development of written documents to increase the knowledge and sensitivity of the participants regarding their rights.
  • To ensure that the studies involving human participants are conducted in compliance with the ethical principles.

Human Research Sub-Ethics Committee:

Pursuant to Article 7, i of the Ethics Committee of Istanbul Gedik University, it is determined by the Ethics Committee among the faculty members in the fields of social, health and natural sciences and appointed by the rector’s approval.

Fundamental Rights of Participants

  1. Right to know who the researchers are
  2. The right to know the scope and purpose of the research
  3. The right to information about potential benefits and potential risks of the research
  4. The right to information about the scope of participation (what the participant is expected to do and how long the participation is expected)
  5. The right to know that participation is voluntary
  6. The right to know at any time, at any stage, that you can opt out of participating in the trial without any sanctions
  7. Right to know to what extent and how to protect the confidentiality of the information it will provide
  8. Right to know how to use the obtained data
  9. The right to know who can direct her research questions and request for more information

Main Responsibilities of Researchers Inspected by IA Ethics Committees

  1. Designing their research in such a way that it does not cause any discomfort to the participants over the minimum risks (normally encountered in daily life).
  2. Before the research, inform the participants about the purpose of the research, the scope, how to use the information and how to protect the confidentiality.
  3. Under no circumstances should participation in research be mandatory; to ensure that the participation is voluntary and to inform the participants very clearly.
  4. Following the provision of the above information, obtaining written consent of the participants for participation (using the Informed Consent forms – see example Informed Consent Form).
  5. To take the necessary measures to use the data obtained as it is communicated to the participants; prevent misuse of information.
  6. Obtain written consent of the guardians of the participants in cases where it is necessary to collect information from adult or unqualified participants (such as infants and mentally disabled participants).
  7. In the event that the purpose of the study is not fully explained in the initial phase, after the research, inform the participants in detail both verbally and in writing, using the Debriefing form (see example Post Participation Information Form); to explain the reasons why the goal was not shared completely at the beginning and to answer the questions of the participants.
  8. To be responsible to participants who are emotionally or physically damaged due to unforeseen or uncontrollable reasons during data collection, analysis, or reporting.