Message From The Head Of Program

Globalization, which has been affecting the whole world since the 1980s, has increased mutual interdependence among countries. With the acceleration of technological advancements in the 2000s, this has led to a faster and increased pace of trade and economic growth. In this context, both developed and developing countries have witnessed an increasing demand for skilled labor in this field, which is expected to grow even further in the future. These developments have revealed the fact that this demand can only be met with a qualified workforce and vocational education.

The International Trade (English) Program aims to keep up with the times by offering scientific and vocational training to develop expert workforce specialized in the foreign trade sector through university-industry collaboration.

Since its establishment in 2010, the International Trade Program of Gedik Vocational School has been continuing its educational activities under the name of the International Trade (English) Program since 2019, in line with the needs of the sector. Our International Trade (English) Program offers not only general economics, law, business, and accounting courses but also vocational courses such as import-export practices, customs regulations, exchange regulations, international transportation, and logistics. Additionally, we prepare our students for the future with innovative courses such as e-commerce, digital marketing, and information technologies. Our program aims to train highly qualified international trade professionals with our teaching staff, consisting of experienced academicians and managers in the foreign trade sector. Our instructors support our students in both university-related and extracurricular activities and assist them in their personal development.

The total duration of our program is six (6) semesters. After the first two (2) semesters in the preparatory class, our students take an English proficiency exam. Those who succeed in the exam complete competency courses, core field courses, and specialized vocational field courses in the following three (3) semesters, and in the final semester, they have the option to receive vocational training in businesses.

Upon successful completion of the program, our graduates can transition to undergraduate programs at universities or complete their degrees at a foreign university if they succeed in the Vertical Transfer Exam.

We would be delighted to welcome our valuable young students who are interested in foreign trade and eager to improve themselves in this field among us. We hope to meet you soon.

Lecturer Yücel KAMAR