Message From The Head Of Program

Security, information security, personal data security – these issues can present challenges everywhere, from our personal lives to our professional ones. We know that relying on old approaches may not keep us safe anymore. It’s not hard to imagine how seemingly secure systems can become ineffective due to a simple user error. Not having encountered such a situation yet doesn’t mean we won’t face it in the future.

As Gedik Vocational School’s Information Security Technology program, our goal is to educate qualified and diligent professionals who have sufficient knowledge and expertise in information security, closely follow developments in the field, can utilize information security software, and correct errors that may arise in the field of information security. We aim to contribute to the IT sector by nurturing skilled individuals.

Entrusting the valuable asset of information to you, the dear young generation of our country, and imparting the indispensable values of technology and science of our time will be a source of pride for our vocational school.


Head of Computer Technologies Department, Vice Chair of Information Security Technology Program