Message From The Head Of Program

Dear Students,

Our program, which aims to train qualified workforce for the machinery sector, undertakes significant tasks in preparing students for life by instilling knowledge, skills, behaviors, and the habit of working together. It also aims to produce qualified employees required by the machinery manufacturing industry.

A proficient machine technician can find employment opportunities in the following sectors:

  • Industrial Research and Development (R&D) and design sector
  • Machinery manufacturing sector
  • Automotive sector
  • Industrial modeling sector
  • Industrial mold-making sector
  • Machinery maintenance and repair jobs
  • Marble industry, etc.

Departments where a machine technician can work in the industry:

  • Design and Production
  • Maintenance and Repair
  • R&D
  • Material and Quality Control
  • Marketing and Sales Representative
  • Procurement and Supply
  • Education
  • Automation

There is a significant employment potential in the machinery sector operating in our region and nearby areas. With the establishment of our Vocational School’s Machine Program, we aim to contribute to meeting the demand for qualified intermediate workforce in enterprises and train graduates who can be easily employed.

Lecturer Hüseyin Kaygısız

Head of the Mechanics Program