Message From The Head Of Program

The question of what justice is has been and continues to be a question that troubles the minds of philosophers and jurists. Individuals demand justice with the hope of attaining it. In a society, the most significant guarantee for achieving justice is a well-functioning judicial mechanism. Principles and rules regarding courts and their personnel are among the areas that concern the concept of justice. It is crucial for this organization and personnel community to learn, internalize, and be eager to apply the fundamental principles and values of law in order to achieve justice.

The Justice Department within Istanbul Gedik University School of Justice Vocational School is a department that aims to train qualified, well-educated, and competent personnel for public institutions and the private sector. The curriculum of the department has been prepared to ensure that students receive the best education to achieve this goal, and the courses are conducted by competent instructors in their fields. Graduates of the Justice Department can perform duties such as Court Clerkships and Enforcement Directorates in courts, work in notary offices, legal consultancy offices, and various government institutions. They also have the opportunity to work in the legal departments of private companies or law firms.

Lecturer Nurçin KÜÇÜKYAZICI

Head of Justice Program