About The Faculty

Our Vision

To be a global university that creates innovative, difference-creating, value-creating, perfectionist individuals who can shape the future with distinguished faculty members, in line with the corporate vision;

To be a national and international leader in the field of design education with international accredited programs and to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to guide themselves and achieve a creative and productive career with outstanding academic infrastructure and supportive opportunities. Increasing the quality, increasing motivation, sharing and diversity and raising ethical values are among the future targets of the Faculty.


Our Mission

 To provide effective and high quality education to our students all over the world,

To train fully equipped graduates who have a high level of competitiveness and can meet individual professional and ethical standards at the highest level,

To be a pioneer, research and development university in the field of industrial and service sector integrated with education and continuously evaluating its quality at international standards,

Science, Technology, Art, Culture, Service and Sports in the field of University-Community-Industry cooperation to contribute to the highest level is to be one of the world universities. In line with the corporate mission;

To develop an elite curriculum in accordance with international standards and to offer an interdisciplinary design education opportunity to different student groups; the architects and designers of the future, innovative, creative, cultural and environmentally conscious; who have a high level of critical thinking ability and know the current technologies used in other design branches in architecture; at the same time to train as other professionals who can cooperate with other disciplines.

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