Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zafer Akdemir
Vice Dean
Prof. Hayriye Koç Başara
Visual Communication Design
Assoc. Prof. Zerrin Funda Ürük
Head of the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department
Assoc. Prof. Özlem Belir
Head of Architecture
Assoc. Prof. Nihan Yarmacı Güvenç
Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
Assoc. Prof. Deniz Akçay Balcı
Visual Communication Design
Assoc. Prof. Pınar Erkan Bursa
Deputy Head of Architecture
Asst. Prof. Mehmet Semih Özkan
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Asst. Prof. Ekrem Çetin Bigat
Head of Digital Game Design
Asst. Prof. Yeter Beriş
Vice Head of the Digital Game Design Department
Asst. Prof. Ayşin Şişman
Visual Communication Design
Asst. Prof. Barış Yalınkılıç
Haed of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
Asst. Prof. Candan Ayla
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Asst. Prof. Ela Nazlı Köz
Deputy Head of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
Asst. Prof. Emel Birol
Visual Communication Design
Asst. Prof. Neslihan Yıldız
Head of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Asst. Prof. Ruhcan Akil
Head of Visual Communication Design
Asst. Prof. Sevda Duygu Kolbay
Asst. Prof. Anday Türkmen
Deputy Head of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Asst. Prof. Selva Başçı
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Asst. Prof. Engin Deniz Erbaş
Digital Game Design
Asst. Prof. Kusay Tatlı
Visual Communication Design
Asst. Prof. Yasmine Tira
Interior Architecture and Environment Design
Res. Asst. Özlem Özkan Şafak
Visual Communication Design
Res. Asst. Ayşe Cansu
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Res. Asst. Bahtiyar Posta
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Res. Asst. Delal Demirtaş
Res. Asst. Naime Dilge Karakuş
Res. Asst. Sena Berktaş
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Res. Asst. Seray Evren
Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
Res. Asst. Uğur Eren Yasak
Res. Asst. Atakan Seç
Digital Game Design
Res. Asst. Furkan Başaran
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Res. Asst. Sinem Turan
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Res. Asst. Eylül Ezgi Türker
Visual Communication Design
Lecturer Duygu Çıbuk
Lecturer Özgün Özbudak

Guest Instructors

Prof. Dr. Feride ÖNAL**
Prof. Mehmet Zaman Saçlıoğlu**
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Akçay Balcı*
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şenay ÇABUK*
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamide TEMEL*
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Müge ERTEMLİ*
Assoc. Prof. Handan ÖZSIRKINTI KASAP*
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge GÜNDEM*
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Almula KÖKSAL IŞIKKAYA*
Asst. Prof. Dr. Veli Semih YALÇI*
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sevtap ELMAS*
Asst. Prof. Dr. Refia Anıl AĞRILI*
Asst. Prof. Dr. Barış YALINKILIÇ*
Asst. Prof. Dr. S. Duygu KOLBAY *
Lecturer Duygu ÇIBUK*
Lecturer Özgün ÖZBUDAK*
Lecturer Oğuz DEMİRARSLAN*
Lecturer Dr. C. Arsal ARISAL**
Lecturer Pınar PARTANAZ**
Lecturer Oya TANSEL**
Lecturer Bilgehan ERSOY**
Lecturer Şemsi Bürkan EMRE**
Lecturer Seda KOCAOĞLAN**
Lecturer Ezgi YÜKSEL**
Lecturer Sadrettin SOYLU**
Lecturer Alkım DOĞAN**
Lecturer Reyda ÖR**
Lecturer Zeynep ACIRLI**
Lecturer Mehmet ÇİMENER**
Lecturer Benan ÇULBAN**
Lecturer Senay HÜNÜK DEMİRER**
Lecturer Gönül YAĞIZ ARSLAN**
Lecturer Nizami GÜROL**
Lecturer Gökay SAVAŞ**
Lecturer Volga ALTUNTAŞ**

* Appointed as a Visiting Lecturer pursuant to Article 40/A of Law No. 2547.
** Appointed as a Visiting Lecturer pursuant to Article 31 of Law No. 2547.