Cooperation Protocol Signed with Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Information Commercialization Center
A Cooperation Protocol was signed with the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) Knowledge Commercialization Center (BTM) to increase the sectoral and professional experiences of our students. The signing ceremony was held by the General Manager of the Knowledge Commercialization Center (BTM) İbrahim Elbaşı and the Rector of our university, Prof. Dr. Ahmet KESİK. Thanks to this cooperation and the support of the Knowledge Commercialization Center (BTM), we continue to strengthen our Gedik2Work education model.
Dr. Lecturer Engin Deniz Erbaş’s article titled “Ideological Representation of the Abraham Van Helsing Character in Cinema and Digital Games. A Critical Discourse Analysis Study” has been published.
Our University Digital Game Design Department Dr. Lecturer Engin Deniz Erbaş’s article titled; “Ideological Representation of Abraham Van Helsing Character in Cinema and Digital Game. A Critical Discourse Analysis Study” was published in the Tr Index indexed RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies, August 4th issue.
We participated in the “Science, Engineering and Technology Summer Camp” “1st Term Closing Event and Certificate Ceremony” event organized by Kartal Municipality, Makina Hangar on July 26, 2024.
Students who completed the Summer Camp of Makina Hangar-Kartal Science, Engineering and Technology Center, which was implemented by Kartal Municipality and TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Istanbul Branch, received their certificates. Gedik University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Digital Game Design instructors also gave courses to the students at the Summer Camp held between July 1 and July 26. Assist. Prof. Ekrem Çetin Bigat, Assist. Prof. Yeter Beriş, Assist. Prof. Engin Deniz Erbaş and Res. Asst. Atakan Seç gave the courses “Fundamentals of Game Design, “Concept Design,” “Basic Game Workshop” and “Game Development.” Students participated in the courses theoretically and practically during the 4-week training.