Academic Staff

Assoc. Prof. Zerrin Funda ÜRÜK
Head of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department
Asst. Prof. Neslihan Yıldız
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Asst. Prof. Mehmet Semih Özkan
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Asst. Prof. Yasmine Tira
Interior Architecture and Environment Design
Assist. Prof. Dr. Anday Türkmen
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Assist. Prof. Dr Candan Ayla
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Assist. Prof. Dr Selva Başçı
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Research Assistant Ayse Cansu
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Research Assistant Bahtiyar Posta
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Research Assistant Sena Berktas
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (13/b)
Research Assistant Furkan Basaran
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şenay ÇABUK*

 Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University / Department of Interior Architecture

Assoc. İ. Emre KAVUT*

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University / Department of Interior Architecture

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamide TEMEL*

Maltepe University / Department of Interior Architecture

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Müge ERTEMLİ*

Maltepe University / Department of Ship and Yacht Design

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge GÜNDEM*

 Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University / Department of Architecture

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Almula KÖKSAL IŞIKKAYA*

Yıldız Technical University / Department of Architecture

Assist. Prof. Dr. Begüm ERTEN*

Istanbul Gedik University / Department of Occupational Health and Safety

Assist. Prof. Dr. Refia Anıl AĞRILI*

 Marmara University / Department of Interior Architecture

Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmail ÖZDEMİR*

 Istanbul Gedik University / Human Resources Management Program

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nur ÖRNEKÇİ*

Istanbul Gedik University / International Trade and Logistics Program

Lecturer Oğuz DEMİRARSLAN*

Maltepe University / Department of Interior Architecture

Lecturer Feyza AYGÜN*

Istanbul Gedik University / UZEM

Lecturer Yılmaz ÇAĞLİ*

 Istanbul Gedik University / UZEM

Lecturer Özgür BİLLUR*

 Istanbul Gedik University / UZEM

Lecturer Assist. Prof. Dr. C. Arsal ARISAL**

Lecturer Assist. Prof. Dr. Sevtap ELMAS**

Lecturer Assist. Prof. Dr.  Burak UZUN**

Lecturer Pınar PARTANAZ**

Lecturer  Oya TANSEL**

Lecturer  Güneş ÖZMEN**

Lecturer  Seda KOCAOĞLAN**

Lecturer  Ezgi YÜKSEL**

Lecturer  Elif ÇELİK ARISAL**

Lecturer  Elçin Saliha YILDIZ UYSAL**

Lecturer Sadrettin SOYLU**

Lecturer  Alkım DOĞAN**

Lecturer  Yusuf Taner GÜLTEKİN**

Lecturer  Reyda ÖR**

Lecturer  Mehmet ÇİMENER**

Lecturer  Benan ÇULBAN**

Lecturer  Aysel BAŞER**

Lecturer  Senay HÜNÜK DEMİRER**

Lecturer  Gönül YAĞIZ ARSLAN**

Lecturer  Nizami GÜROL**

Lecturer  Gökay SAVAŞ**

* Appointed as a Guest Lecturer in accordance with Article 40/A of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.

** Appointed as a Guest Lecturer in accordance with Article 31 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.