Our Graduates
By adopting the principle of lifelong learning, we aim to bring our graduates and current students together on various platforms and create a strong culture of belonging and solidarity between them. With the awareness of training designers with an innovative, human-oriented, environmentally sensitive and ethical approach, we encourage our graduates to maintain their ties with each other and our department. In addition, in order to ensure that the professional and academic knowledge of our graduates contribute to the development processes of Istanbul Gedik University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and our current students, events such as “Graduate Meetings” and “Graduate-Student Meetings” are organized and it is expected that these events will become a tradition.
Our experienced graduates will guide our young graduates and current students by sharing their experiences, and activities will be planned to bridge the gap between our graduates and current students with collaborations, projects and events, and to provide internship and career support. Within this framework, our vision is to be an effective coordinatorship that provides communication and cooperation between our graduates and current students and meets their expectations.
Purpose of Formation of Alumni Coordinatorship
- To establish good and constructive relations with our graduates,
- To create and strengthen the organizational culture together with our graduates,
- To contribute to our graduates in social, cultural, artistic, professional, scientific etc. fields and to ensure their inclusion in the activities organized in these fields,
- To increase their solidarity by creating a communication network among our graduates,
- To direct the savings of our graduates in a way that will contribute to the social, technical and cultural development of the unit, to organize organizations for this purpose and to work to develop projects,
- To increase and develop the relations of our graduates with our current students and to establish graduate-student solidarity.
Click for the Alumni Satisfaction Survey form.
In order to monitor the graduates in the development of the program, include them in the education and training process and benefit from their opinions, the Graduates Coordination Office operating within the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design has taken on a role in order to effectively carry out the process.
In this context;
External Stakeholder and Department Advisory Board
IGUN Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department 2016 graduate and TMMOB Chamber of Interior Architects Bursa Branch President Interior Architect Ali GÖZÜTOK is on the Department Advisory Board as an external stakeholder.
Studio Course Juries
The final jury processes of the 2023-2024 Spring Semester Introduction to Design Studio and Design Studio I-II-III-IV-V-VI courses are as follows;
Tuesday, 04.06.2024 – Introduction to İMÇ108 Design Studio – Milhan ONUR (2020 Graduate), Rabia GÜNDOĞDU (2022 Graduate)
Wednesday, 12.06.2024 – IMÇ201-202 Design Studio I-II – Abdulsamed Durdu (2018 Graduate), Enes ERKUL (2018 Graduate)
Wednesday, 05.06.2024 – İMÇ301-302 Design Studio III-IV – Dilan ŞENGÜL (2017 Graduate), Muzaffer DALDABAN (2018 Graduate)
07.06.2024 Friday – İMÇ401-402 Design Studio V-VI – Chamber of Interior Architects Istanbul Branch President Interior Architect Herdem SÜER (External Stakeholder), TMMOB Chamber of Interior Architects Bursa Branch President Interior Architect Ali GÖZÜTOK (2016 Graduate) were included as our graduates and external stakeholders.
Graduate Meetings-I July 2024
A hybrid (face-to-face/online) meeting was held with the graduates of the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department of Istanbul Gedik University on July 22, 2024 at 12:00 in the Faculty Meeting Room on the 6th Floor of the B. Block of the Kartal Campus with the participation of the Department Head of the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department Assoc. Prof. Zerrin Funda ÜRÜK, Faculty of Architecture and Design Graduate Coordinator/Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department Graduate Coordination Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neslihan YILDIZ, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department Quality and Accreditation Representative Dr. Lecturer Anday TÜRKMEN, and our graduates.