Our Graduates

I graduated from Istanbul Gedik University’s Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in the year 2021. Currently, I am employed as an Interior Architect at a design firm. Thanks to the esteemed academic staff of our university, I learned to think in a design-oriented manner over the course of four years. Additionally, through market-integrated projects and the support of other related courses, I faced no difficulties in transitioning to the professional world after completing my education. Therefore, I consider it a debt of gratitude to express my thanks to them.


Yasemin GÖKSEL

Class of 2020-2021









I graduated from Istanbul Gedik University’s Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in the year 2022. In line with my interest and respect for our profession, the education I received and the experiences shared by our faculty members enriched my vision and perspective, opening numerous doors for me. The knowledge gained from our Application Project courses, along with my first field experience during the construction internship at the Atatürk Cultural Center, showed me the fruits of my labor and further deepened my love for this profession. Currently, I work as an Interior Architect and Designer in a agency where we collaborate with global firms on creative projects. Beyond the architecture and construction sectors, I am enjoying a pleasant journey of experiencing the strength of my design and implementation knowledge in various fields of the professional world.


Rabia Gündoğdu