Head of Department’s Message

In today’s world, where international trade and financial processes shape the global economy, it is of great importance for national economies, economic policies, and company managements to adapt to this process.

Understanding changing demand structures in international markets with different conditions, responding quickly to them, developing unique and rapid strategies, and implementing managerial adaptations are fundamental conditions of global competition.

Based on this understanding, the Department of International Trade and Finance (English) offers its students a comprehensive and up-to-date theoretical education in areas such as Economics, International Economics, Business Administration, Import and Export Management, Institutional Structure and Functioning of the International Financial System, International Trade Theories, International Marketing, International Monetary System, International Investments, International Businesses, Trade and Debt Law, Customs Legislation, Supply Chains, and Logistics. Additionally, the department provides students with the opportunity for practical training in businesses in their eighth semester through the 7+1 system.

The mission of our department is to educate researchers, experts, managers, and leaders who possess the competence to analyze the international trade environment and financial markets, anticipate commercial and financial opportunities and threats, manage processes, have high adaptability and open-mindedness, contribute to their social and natural environment, and respect ethical principles.

Prof. Dr. Enver Alper Guvel

Head of the Department