Head Of Department’s Message

Dear Students,

You have taken step to the first four years in which you will create the cornerstone of your job, which will be the foundation of your career. Our department has first admitted students in 2012 and has first graduated students in 2016. The aim of the department is to provide education of mechanical engineering at national and international standards with dynamic and experienced faculty members who have especially experiences of industry.

Education of engineers without Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry cannot be imagined. Getting some experience through very detailed applications and laboratory studies as well as having sound basic knowledge is very important in engineering education. Science that has no application is somewhere between right and wrong. Theoretical basic knowledge which we are aiming to have you acquire, will be supported by the use of both the technological possibilities of today and computer aided methods.

Whatever your career choice is, because of having broad application areas of industry, mechanical engineering education will be your most important decision to make your dreams come true.