CLICK HERE for the Faculty of Engineering Summer Internship and Vocational Training in Business Page

To graduate from our Mechatronics Engineering program, our students are required to successfully complete at least 60 working days of workplace practice (internship), in addition to all the courses in our curriculum.

Control-Automation / Electrical-Electronic (30 Working Days)

In this context, students gain professional awareness by contributing to internship placements in topics related to Control and Automation, such as control/automation technologies, robotics, flexible manufacturing, mass production, controllers, embedded systems, industrial software and programming, mechatronic systems, and the use of sensors and actuators. They also gain insight into Electrical – Electronics and Installation topics, including high and low voltage transformations, circuit design, power and control panels, installations, signal processing, and more.

Production Technologies / Business-Organization (30 Working Days)

In this context, students contribute to internship placements in topics related to Production Methods, such as raw material production, full or semi-finished product production, casting, assembly techniques, machining, and shaping. They also gain experience in Business / Organization topics, including office management, human resources management, sales/marketing, procurement, contracts, engineering economics, workflow, supply, and logistics.


    • Internships can be undertaken no earlier than the 4th semester (2nd year).
    • Internships can only be conducted during the summer period or during the semester break with special permission.
    • Internship days must not conflict with exams or summer school course days. Days that overlap with exams will not be counted as mandatory internship days.
    • Internships cannot be carried out during the academic semester, except for students who do not take courses during the semester.
    • Internships cannot be performed on Sundays and official holidays. Days worked on Sundays and holidays will not be counted as mandatory internship days.
    • Working on Saturdays requires presenting a document from the workplace to verify it. Otherwise, Saturdays worked will not be counted as mandatory internship days.
    • Students are required to select the course with code MKT404 titled “Internship” at least once and no later than their last semester. Completing all internships does not guarantee an “Accepted” grade in the Student Information System (SIS).



  • Students who need support in finding an internship placement can apply to the Gedik University Career Center or the Department Chairmanship.
  • Detailed information about the internship quota for Gedik Holding and application dates can be obtained from the faculty secretary’s office.
  • Before starting the internship, students are required to get approval for the workplace they will work at from the department chairmanship. This approval is done with the “Workplace Approval Form (WAF) and Company Information Form (CIF).”
  • The process of “Completing the WAF and CIF by the Workplace – Getting Approved by the Department Chairmanship – Submitting to the Faculty Secretary’s Office” is the responsibility of the student.
  • Internship students are required to obtain the “Internship Diary” and “Internship Record Form (IRF)” from the secretary’s office before starting their internship.
  • For internships conducted at different workplaces, one WAF, CIF, IRF, and Diary are required for each workplace. For internships conducted at the same workplace and in a SINGLE PERIOD, one WAF, CIF, IRF, and Diary are sufficient.



    • Students who experience unexpected changes in their internship period due to unforeseen reasons must inform the faculty secretary’s office about this.
    • Students are responsible for filling out the Internship Diary on a daily basis.
    • Internship must be conducted under the supervision of an engineer with at least 5 years of experience (Supervisor).
    • Upon completion of the internship, the student must have the relevant sections of the Internship Diary and Internship Record Form (IRF) approved by their supervisor (Stamp-Signature). The IRF is sealed and signed by the supervisor and handed over to the student in a sealed, stamped, and initialed envelope. The envelope cannot be opened again.
    • Within 30 days after the internship is completed, the student must submit the sealed, stamped, and initialed envelope containing the IRF and Internship Diary to the department chairmanship.



  • Internships are evaluated by the internship commission based on the IRF and Internship Diary.
  • In cases where necessary, students may be subjected to an oral examination, and communication with the supervisor may be established.
  • Students are given the right to make “revisions” for the correction of minor errors identified in the diary. The internship will not be accepted until the specified deficiencies are corrected.
  • If the content of the Internship Diary is found to be insufficient, the internship may be rejected in whole or in part.