Team Nameless


We are a model satellite team established in 2019 by the innovative and determined students of our university under the mentorship of our school’s previous Model Satellite Team, Team Vega. Through the outcome of various engineering education we have received, we are dedicated to creating and developing projects. Our team represents our school and country in both national and international competitions within the scope of Model Satellite. Setting forth with the belief that the strength of the future lies in the strength of engineers, we are a determined team aiming to bring new ideas to the aviation and space sector.


TÜRKSAT Model Satellite Competition

The “Team Vega” team, from which we took over and which mentored us, has represented our school and country on very important platforms.

  • “TEAM VEGA” became the 2nd in the 2018 TÜRKSAT Model Satellite competition and succeeded in ranking among the top universities.
  • In 2019, they became the 5th in the TÜRKSAT Model Satellite competition. In the year 2020, Team Nameless participated in the TÜRKSAT Model Satellite Competition.
  • Among 149 teams, they earned the right to go to the finals and came in 17th place. In 2021,
  • Team Nameless earned the right to go to the finals among 109 teams and secured the 8th place.

CANSAT Competition

In the CANSAT competition organized by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in the United States and conducted under the sponsorship of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Team Vega represented our country and became 7th among hundreds of teams.

  • In the year 2022, Team Nameless participated in the CANSAT competition under the name NOVA team and was selected as one of the top 48 teams out of hundreds worldwide on the flight day of this competition, securing the 24th place.

In the year 2022, Team Nameless is participating once again in the TÜRKSAT Model Satellite competition.