
Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Faculty of Health Sciences Dean: Prof. Dr. Birol ÖZKALP
  • Head of Nursing Department: Asst. Prof. Dr. Tuğçe ATAK MERİÇ
  • Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department: Asst. Prof. Dr. Hasan Uğur ÖNCEL
  • Vice Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department: Asst. Prof. Dr. Çağla PINARLI FALAKACILAR
  • Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department: Prof. Dr. Esra DOĞRU HÜZMELİ
  • Head of Child Development Department: Asst. Prof. Dr. Tansen TAYGUR ALTINTAŞ

Committees and Coordinators of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Education and Training Legislation Commission Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin KARAHAN
Strategy coordinators
Nursing Department
Nutrition and Dietetics
Child Development
Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Assist. Prof. Dr.  Tuba ÇATAK
Assist. Prof. Dr.  Tuğba ÖZDEMİR
Assist. Prof. Dr.  Gonca GÜZEL ÜNAL
Assist. Prof. Dr.  Yasemin KARAHAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasin YILDIRIM
Ethics Committee Commission Assist. Prof. Dr.Hasan Uğur ÖNCEL
Assist. Prof. Dr.  Amine ATAÇ ( Substitute member)
Bologna Commission Faculty Representative Res. Assist Fatma TOKSÖZ
Scientific Research Projects (S.R.P.) Commission Assist. Prof. Dr.  Amine ATAÇ
Foreign Student Commission  International Student Coordinator Lecturer Leyla SAFAROVA
Scholarship Commission Lecturer Merve ÖZVAR KÜTÜK
Res. Assist Zeynep UYANIKER
Res. Assist Rabia Cemre ARSLAN
Planning Coordination Commission Lecturer  Leyla SAFAROVA
Library Commission Res. Assist Süreyya NALCI
Commission for Combating Addiction Assist. Prof. Dr.  Tansen TAYGUR ALTINTAŞ
Laboratory Purchases Inspection and Acceptance Commission Res. Assist İlkay Tuğçe KÖSE
Res. Assist Fatma TOKSÖZ
Res. Assist  Zekiye Zeynep BOSTAN
Gastronomy Kitchen Purchases Inspection and Acceptance Commission Assist. Prof. Dr.  Çağla PINARLI FALAKACILAR
Lecturer Merve ÖZVAR KÜTÜK
Faculty of Health Sciences Internship Coordinatorship Assist. Prof. Dr.  Tuğçe ATAK MERİÇ
Education and Curriculum Coordinatorship Assist. Prof. Dr.  Amine ATAÇ
Erasmus Coordinatorship
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Child Development Department
Nursing Department
Res. Assist Zekiye Zeynep BOSTAN
Res. Assist İlkay Tuğçe KÖSE
Res. Assist Rabia Cemre ARSLAN
Res. Assist  Fatma TOKSÖZ
Web Page Coordinatorship Res. Assist Zeynep UYANIKER
Internship and Career Coordinatorship Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuğçe ATAK MERİÇ
Social Responsibility and Social Contribution Responsible Faculty Representative Lecturer Nefise ÖZOK BULUT
Double Major / Minor  Coordinatorship
Nutrition and Dietetics Department Supervisor:
Child Development Department Supervisor:
Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Nursing Department
Lecturer Merve ÖZVAR KÜTÜK (faculty representative)
Res. Assist Elif ŞAHİN
Res. Assist Süreyya NALCI
Res. Assist İrem Nur USLUER
Res. Assist Fatma TOKSÖZ
Disabled Student Unit Representative Lecturer Nefise ÖZOK BULUT
Common Courses Faculty Representative Assist. Prof. Dr.  Çağla PINARLI FALAKACILAR
Faculty Planning Coordinator
Nutrition and Dietetics Department Responsible:
Child Development Department Supervisor:
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department ResponsibleNursing Department Supervisor:
Assist. Prof. Dr.  Çağla PINARLI FALAKACILAR
Lecturer Merve ÖZVAR KÜTÜK
Res. Assist Rabia Cemre ARSLAN
Res. Assist İlkay Tuğçe KÖSE
Res. Assist  Fatma TOKSÖZ
Index Data Collection Coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr.  Tuba ÖZDEMİR
TTO (Technology Transfer Office) Assist. Prof. Dr.Hasan Uğur ÖNCEL
Director of Barrier-Free Life Application Research Centre     Assist. Prof. Dr.  Ebru YILDIRIM