Our Graduates



In 2017, I graduated from a Anadolu High School. After extensive research, I chose Istanbul Gedik University to pursue the field I wanted to study, which is the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department. Starting from the first year, my university provided me with the opportunity to access all theoretical and practical knowledge related to my field. Throughout my university life, I managed to work part-time jobs while also successfully continuing my studies. I can now see that I have achieved what many people said I couldn’t. During this process, I never lost my passion and determination. I utilized all the opportunities provided by my school and the professors in my department. From my second year onwards, with the support of my university, I had the chance to experience the practical side of all the theoretical knowledge given in the first year. In 2022, I graduated from my university. After graduating, I started working in August at the Private Dilbade Rehabilitation Center where I conducted clinical practice, thanks to the opportunities provided by my department. I am grateful to Istanbul Gedik University and all the professors in the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department who have given me the chance to prove myself in the field and helped me build my career today. I amtruly thankful to all of them for these days.




In 2022, I graduated with honors from Istanbul Gedik University’s Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department. In 2021, under the guidance and support of my professors, I was accepted for the TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program with the project titled ‘Investigating the Effectiveness of Online Exercise Training in Geriatric Population with Decreased Daily Life Activity Level During the Covid-19 Pandemic.’ One of the important achievements for me while studying in the department was to receive high-quality education in both theoretical and practical aspects. Additionally, it was crucial for me to be able to develop myself during this process. With the clinical practice and job opportunities provided by our department, I had the opportunity to gain experience in various fields of my profession and develop myself. This way, I progressed with more confidence without any lingering doubts. Moreover, the immense experience and knowledge of all the valuable professors who supported us illuminated our path and individually touched our lives, which was a great privilege for us.

After graduation, I started working as a physiotherapist at the Gedik Inclusive Life Application and Research Center, an integral part of our university. My department was my second home, and my professors were my second family. Although our paths seemed to diverge under the name of graduation, in reality, I am still continuing to grow alongside my family and developing myself in my field.