Mission, Vision, and Core Values


Our mission is to provide graduate education in master’s and doctoral programs, and to produce graduates who are researchers and creative individuals contributing to the national and international community, capable of pushing the boundaries of science and technology, continuously adapting to and evaluating developments, and making a difference in the technological advancement of our country and the world.


In the fields of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Health Sciences, our vision is to be an institute that operates with interdisciplinary approaches both in terms of scientific research and the services provided in graduate education and teaching, contributing to the human resources educated through master’s and doctoral programs.


Our core values are:

  1. Scientific and research-oriented focus.
  2. Respect for ethical and universal principles.
  3. Commitment to quality and efficiency.
  4. Differentiation and creating added value.
  5. Collaboration and integration with all stakeholders.
  6. Innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
  7. Student-centeredness.