Photo and Video Album


Our department staff Dr. Songül Miftakhov gave a conference to our students on “100th Anniversary of the Opening of Turkish Grand National Assembly: Men-i İsrafat Law: Wedding Costs Should Be Reduced, Families Should Multiply” via Zoom program.


Our department staff Professor Sefa Çetin gave an e-conference to our students entitled “A Bureaucratic Journey: Governorship Profession”.


PhD candidate from Chicago Illinois University Reha Atakan Çetin gave a talk to our students entitled “Being A Student in the United States During Corona Days”.


Our department head Assoc. Prof. Ozan Örmeci gave an e-conference titled “Turkish-British Relations in Recent Years” to our department’s students.


Tekirdağ-Süleymanpaşa Governor Mr. Harun Kaya organized an e-conference entitled “Social State Policies during Corona Days” with our students.


Our department staff and Vice Rector Professor Abuzer Pınar gave a lecture on “Current State of Turkish Economy.


Political Science and Public Administration department’s research assistant Ayşenur Balcılar’s new book “Türkiye’de Sosyal Belediyecilik Uygulamaları Bornova Belediyesi Örneği” is published by Cinius Yayınları.


Our department chair Dr. Ozan Örmeci’s new book “A Turkish Social Democract: İsmail Cem” is published by Libra Books.


European Union (EU) expert Can Baydarol gave a conference entitled “Turkish-EU Relations in the Light of Contemporary Developments” in our university on December 10, 2019.


Istanbul Economics Research & Consultancy (İstanbul Ekonomi) Company CEO Can Selçuki gave a lecture on “Voter Expectations in Turkey” in our university on December 4, 2019.


Political Science and Public Administration department organized a symposium on “Liberalism in Turkey” on November 20, 2019. Former Chairman of Turkish Liberal Democrat Party (LDP) Cem Toker, our university’s Law Faculty staff Dr. Ural Aküzüm, and our department staff Dr. Özlem Denli joined the symposium as speakers. Our head of the department Assoc. Prof. Ozan Örmeci moderated the event.


Dr. Berrak Coşkun gave a lecture in our university on November 19, 2019. The title of the course was “Radical Evil Problematic in Hannah Arendt”.


Türk Kızılay director Hüseyin Sevim visited our university and made a talk on stem cell donation on October 30, 2019.

Our department staff Dr. Ahmet Özcan translated a new Turkish edition of Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France”.

Joint Academic Studies of Istanbul Gedik University Department of International Relations and Chinese Universities are Continuing 27.09.2021

Department of International Relations, which offers four hours of Chinese lessons a week for six semesters for a student, continues its contacts with universities in China.

In addition to our joint academic studies with Lanzhou Universtiy that has been conducted since April 2019, we continue the studies with Shanghai University within the scope of the Memorandum of Understanding that has been signed in July 2021. The agreements with both universities allow student exchanges as well as joint academic studies.

In this context Yingying LIANG, Ph.D. student in Shanghai University, will be in Gedik University for 2021-2022 academic year in order to carry out her thesis titled “Adnan Menderes and the Democratization in Turkey, 1945-1961” with the supervisorship of our Head of Department Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre. Yingying LIANG will also take part in a joint project with the faculty members of Department of International Relations.

Click here for details protocol

A PARA – Küresel Bakış – Biden’s Domestic and Foreign Policy Goals – 22.04.2021

* Our Head of Department Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre Interpret the Domestic Policies of the US and US’ Relations with PRC & Russian Federation.


A PARA – Küresel Bakış – Global Effects of US-Russia Relations – 18.03.2021

Our Head of Department Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre Evaluated the Effects of the Strained US-Russia Relations on Global Politics and Economy.


BloombergHT – Kapanışa Doğru – Biden’s Statements- 17.03.2021

Our Head of Department Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre Evaluates US President Joe Biden’s Statements about Russian President Vladimir Putin.


EKOTÜRK – Küresel Bakış – US-EU Relations – 15.03.2021

Our Head of Department Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre Evaluates the US-EU Relations and Its Effects on Foreign Policy.


The conference on “21st Century and Our World” given for the teachers working within Ümraniye District Directorate of National Education,  by the Head of International Relations Department Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre on 19th November 2019

The conference on “How should we perceive the World?” given by the Head of International Relations Department, Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre in Bahçeşehir University on 16th November 2019

In the context of the agreement signed between Istanbul Gedik University and Lanzhou University of the People’s Republic of China, 16 students and 4 faculty members from Lanzhou University attended the seminars held between 29 July and 4 August 2019. The program called “Global Political Discussion Forum I” started with the inaugural speeches of Istanbul Gedik University Rector Prof. Dr. Zafer Utlu and Consulate General of People’s Republic of China in İstanbul, Vice Consul General Mr. Zhong Hongnuo. Besides the academic members and International Relations students of both universities, Dr. Ma Bin from Fudan University and Dr. Mher Sahakyan from China-Eurasia Council for Political and Strategic Research Foundation made presentations on “One Belt, One Road Project”.

Prof Suha Atature who the head of International Relations Department was took place two speeches in Economy Conversations Program at the Gedik Radio.


The seminar  “Climate Change and Society” was took place join with  Ömer Madra who advisory board member of the Istanbul Gedik University on April 3 at Kartal Campus.



Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre Gedik Radyosu’ndaki Ekonomi Konuşmaları Programında iki konuşma gerçekleştirdi.

Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümümüz Danışma Kurulu Üyesi Dr. Ömer Madra’nın konuşmacı olduğu “İklim Değişikliği ve Toplum” konulu seminer 3 Nisan 2019 tarihinde Kartal Yerleşkemizde gerçekleşti.

21. yüzyılda sınır değişiklikleri mümkün mü? Kırım, IKBY ve Katalonya referandumlarının karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi

Harbiye Askeri Müzesi Kültür Gezisi

Dönem Açılışında Bölüm Oryantasyon Toplantısı

Dekanımız Prof. Dr. Şaduman Hocayla. Hepimizde programı tamamlamış olmanın mutluluğu.

Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölüm Başkanımız Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre Viyana’da yapılan Birleşmiş Milletler Barış Konferansı 2018 de Çağımıza Uyum sağlayabilen Daha Demokratik ve Daha Etkin bir Birleşmiş Milletler” konulu konuşma yaptı. Konuşmasında sivil toplum vurgusu vardı

Bölüm Başkanımız Nebire  Yahşi Lisesinde yapılan MODEL UNITED NATION çalıştayında açılış konuşmasını yaptı. Çalışmaya 12 değişik liseden öğrenciler katıldı.

Bölüm çalışmalarını Öğretim üyeleri ve Öğrenci Temsilcileriyle birlikte yürüttükten sonra son görüşmeler

Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölüm Başkanı Kadir Has Üniversitesinde yapılan Sivil Toplum Çalıştayı’nda.

Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre, Uluslararası Üniversiteler Konseyi Adına Erbil’de Demokrasi Konulu Konferansta

Nurenberg Üniversitesinde verdiği “Right Wing Populism in Europe” Konferansından sonra Bölüm Başkanımız Erasmus ve Bölüm yetkilileriyle

Bölüm Asistanlarımız Ela ve Sibelle. “Bir Tiger Team” mükemmeli dener.