27 Nis 2023


Decision of the University Senate on Final Exams

The following decisions have been taken by the Senate of our University on the implementation and scheduling of the final exams in the Spring 2023 semester:

  1. Final exams of all graduate courses will be held online between May 29 and June 10, 2023.
  2. Final exams of undergraduate courses will be scheduled and implemented as follows:
    • Online final exams will be held between May 16-27, 2023.
    • Hybrid or face-to-face exams will be held between May 22-25, 2023.
    • You can find how exams will be implemented in your program in this table:
Faculty/School Department/Program Exam Type
Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Social Sciences All Departments Final exams of all courses will be held online.
Faculty of Law All Departments Final exams of all courses will be held online.
Faculty of Health Sciences All Departments Final exams of all courses will be held online.
Faculty of Sport Sciences All Departments Final exams of all courses will be held online.
Faculty of Engineering All Departments Final exams of all courses will be held online.
Faculty of Architecture and Design Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Final exams of all courses will be held online.
Visual Communication Design Final exams of all courses will be held online.
Architecture All final exams will be held online except the following courses whose final exams will be hybrid:


MİM106 Mimari Anlatım Teknikleri II

MİM118 Yapı Malzemesi I

MİM304 Mimari Koruma ve Restorasyon II

MİM364 Mimaride Strüktür ve Malzeme Kullanımı

MİM384 Modlaj

MİM404 İmar Hukuku

MİM458 Çağdaş Yapım Yöntemleri

MİM201 Tasarım Stüdyosu I

MİM202 Tasarım Stüdyosu II

MİM301 Tasarım Stüdyosu III

MİM302 Tasarım Stüdyosu IV

MİM401 Tasarım Stüdyosu V

MİM402 Tasarım Stüdyosu VI

Gastronomy and Culinary Arts All final exams will be held online except the following courses whose final exams will be hybrid:

GST218 Ekmek ve Unlu Mamuller,

School of Vocational Studies All final exams will be held online except the following courses whose final exams will be face-to-face: 


Anesthesia ANE112 Mesleki Beceriler
Culinary ASC122 Temel Mutfak Uygulamaları-II
Culinary ASC126 Türk Mutfağı-II, ASC231 Dünya Mutfağı
Graffic Design GRF124 İllüstrasyon
Emergency and First Aid IAY144 Temel Mesleki Beceriler
Occupational Health and Safety ISG120 İş Kazaları ve İstatiksel Uygulamalar
Machinery MKN102 Makine Meslek Resmi
Civil Aviation & Cabin Services SHK232 Mesleki İngilizce-II, SHK240 Teknik İngilizce
Medical Documentation and Secretariat TDS126 On Parmak Yazım Teknikleri
All Other  Programs Final exams of all courses will be held online.
Vocational School of Justice All Programs Final exams of all courses will be held online.
School of Foreign Languages All Programs To be announced.