In lıne wıth the decısıon of YOK (the Councıl of Hıgher Educatıon ın Turkey) on 30 March 2023, our unıversıty admınıstratıon makes the followıng announcement to our ınternatıonal students
In line with the decision of YÖK (the Council of Higher Education in Turkey) on 30 March 2023, our university administration makes the following announcement to our international students:
1. The previous decision of our University Senate regarding the midterm exams remains valid. According to this, midterm exams will be held online between 3-8 April 2023.
2. As of 10 April 2023, lectures will be delivered face-to-face in classrooms without any attendance requirement. These lectures will be broadcasted alive over the LMS system for students who want to follow the courses online, off the campus.
3. Video recordings of the courses will be uploaded on the LMS system. If they miss the online sessions, the students will be able to watch them later on the system.
4. Our University Senate will soon convene to decide about “applied courses” and “final exams”.