1 Feb 2014

Rail Welding Personnel Qualification and Certification

Proje Adı: European Transfer Model for Rail Welding Personnel Qualification and Certification in Turkey

Başvuru Yapılan Program: European Union Project (AB Projesi)

Proje Başvuru Tarihi: Mayıs 2013

Açıklanma Tarihi: Şubat 2014

Proje Ortakları: Gedik Üniversitesi (Prof. Dr. Sunullah ÖZBEK) Nederlands Instituut voor Lastechniek NL-Hollanda, Turkish State Railways TR–Türkiye, European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting PT–Portekiz, Gedik University TR–Türkiye, TWI Limited UK–İngiltere, Nederlands Instituut voor Lastechniek NL-Hollanda

Toplam Proje Bütçesi: 193.515 €

Proje Özeti: Competent railway welding professionals are crucial to ensure safety, productivity, quality and long-term sustainability of national and European railways, preventing unnecessary accidents.

There is a clear need for welders who are trained to work in a quality system: certified welders, who work under approved procedures. The national railway authorities and infrastructure constructing companies need to have a European harmonised system for training, qualification and certification to deliver the required competences.

The railway authorities who own the tracks and the constructing companies who build and maintain them have identified this need. In fact, such a harmonised system already exists, the RAILSAFE system, and a good indication of its value can be found in the Netherlands, where the national railway authority, ProRail, is implementing the RAILSAFE system.

However, although the needs for greater harmonisation have been identified as a factor in attenuating the decline of the railway sector (EC report, “Modern Rail, Modern Europe”, http://ec.europa.eu/transport/media/publications/doc/modern_rail_en.pdf), there is still resistance across national member-states.

The project’s main objective is to take the experience of previous RAILSAFE2 project, transferring and adapting it into Turkey. The project will look to set up the Railsafe certification scheme for railway personnel in Turkey, based on past experiences in the UK and the Netherlands, thereby helping to improve the technical expertise of railway welding personnel and improving overall safety of railway track conditions.

The consortium is uniquely qualified to ensure the success of the project. EWF as managers of a harmonised, training, qualification and certification system for welding personnel and TWI ensure the required technical expertise supporting the proposal.

ProRail, acting as the organisation implementing the Railsafe system in the Netherlands will act in a supporting role towards transferring its expertise towards the Turkish partners. Finally, TCDD as Turkey’s national railway institute gives a great added-value in the smooth transfer of the Railsafe system into Turkey, in close collaboration with GEDIK University ensuring the link to Turkish EWF member, uniquely placed to deliver the necessary training and qualification towards validating project outcomes.

The project main outcome will be the development and implementation of a training programme for railway welding personnel, in accordance with RAILSAFE guideline standards.

In addition, two Pilot Courses will be carried out based on the above mentioned programme, certifying personnel in the Railsafe system for both TCDD and Gedik University.

The project is expected to contribute towards harmonised training of railway track personnel in Turkey, where railway tracks span over 11.940 Kms (TCDD Railway Statistics – 2010) and general revenues have increased since 2006, reaching 180.000€.