23 Jun 2020

The Article of Assistant Professor Mazlum Doğan Published by Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

The article titled “The evaluation of medical malpractice claims: Creating a Standard Approach Model Using the Delphi Method”, prepared by the collaboration of four academics, including our Faculty of Law member Dr. Mazlum Doğan, was published by the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine which is in the SCI-E index.

The article prepared by Dr. Muzaffer Berna DOĞAN, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel Hülya YÜKSELOĞLU, Dr. Mazlum DOĞAN and Seda DİKER UĞRAŞ focuses on the subject of standardization of evaluation of the medical malpractice complaints by the expert witnesses. Although the results are open to discussion, this study will also be a guide for future work in this area.