21 Ağu 2024

As part of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM), Prof. Dr. Md. Roknuzzaman Siddiky from Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh, conducted a Staff Teaching Mobility at our institution between August 12-16, 2024.

Prof. Dr. Md. Roknuzzaman Siddiky, Head of the Department of Sociology at Noakhali Science and Technology University, carried out a Staff Teaching Mobility at our institution under Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) from August 12-16, 2024.

As part of his visit, Prof. Siddiky organized a seminar titled “The Economic, Political, and Social Situation of Bangladesh in Light of Recent Developments,” which garnered significant interest within our academic community. This important event was attended by our esteemed faculty members, including Prof. Dr. Süha Atatüre and Assistant Professor Selim Sezer from the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Institutional Coordinator Yücel Kamar and İlayda Önder from the International Relations and Erasmus Coordination Office, as well as Shakil Reja Efti from the Bangladesh Studies and Research Center.

Such academic mobility activities contribute to strengthening international ties within our institution and fostering an educational and research environment enriched by diverse perspectives. The visit also laid the groundwork for potential future collaborations, providing a valuable experience for both our students and academic staff.