30 Nis 2024

Istanbul Gedik University International Affairs and Erasmus Coordinatorship Conducted a Meeting to explore potential collaboration opportunities with Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, Pune, India, following his visit to India in recent months.

Representing Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, Pune, Director of Brand and Communications & International Affairs, Manjari Desai, joined the meeting alongside Erasmus Institution Coordinator Instructor Yücel Kamar and Specialist Assistant İlayda Önder from Istanbul Gedik University’s Office of External Relations and Erasmus Coordination. During the meeting, discussions revolved around topics such as Erasmus+ Capacity Building Projects, Faculty-Based Online Courses, and Student and Staff Exchange Mobilities. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss collaboration frameworks between Istanbul Gedik University and Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, aiming to identify potential areas of cooperation between the two institutions.

This initiative underscores Istanbul Gedik University’s commitment to enhancing international partnerships and increasing educational opportunities for its students and staff. By collaborating with reputable institutions like Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, the university aims to broaden its academic horizons and enrich the learning experiences of its community.

Such initiatives not only contribute to the internationalization of education but also aim to facilitate knowledge exchange and enhance cultural understanding between various academic environments.