20 Aug 2024

Visit from Raghda Shamali, Director of the External Relations Office at Birzeit University

Raghda Shamali, Director of the External Academic Relations Office at Birzeit University in Palestine, visited our university during her trip to Istanbul. During the visit, extensive discussions were held with Raghda Shamali on collaborations between the two institutions, the management of office processes, and the social, economic, and current situations of the respective countries. These meetings provided an important opportunity to strengthen the collaboration between the two universities and to enhance mutual understanding. From our institution, Institutional Coordinator Instructor Yücel Kamar and İlayda Önder from the Erasmus Coordination Office, along with Mohammed Samir Mohammed Hanafy from the International Student Office, accompanied the visit.

Raghda Shamali’s visit has contributed to deepening our collaboration in international academic relations and opened new horizons for future joint projects.