29 Sep 2022

A cooperatıon protocol was sıgned between Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) and Istanbul GEDIK Unıversıty today at the TÜRKİYE-Bangladesh Busıness Forum

A cooperation protocol signed between the Bangladesh Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) and GEDİK University at the Türkiye-Bangladesh Business Forum held on Thursday, September 29, 2022, under the leadership of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK).

DEIK /Türkiye – Bangladesh Business Council President Onur Özden delivered the opening speech. Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) President Rizwan-ur Rahman, Ambassador of Bangladesh, Mr. Mosud Mannan, and Ambassador of Türkiye, Mr. Mustafa Osman Turan, drew attention to the friendship, Trade, and Investment Opportunities between Türkiye and Bangladesh.

GEDİK University Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees Hülya GEDİK and DCCI President Rizwan Rahman signed the cooperation protocol.

The protocol signed with DCCI, which will be valid for five years, included the organization of events such as training programs, job fairs, seminars, workshops, and conferences in partnership with DCCI.