4 Eki 2022

PDR Meetıng at the Begınnıng of the Year was held ın cooperatıon wıth Istanbul GEDIK Unıversıty and Pendık Guıdance Research Center

In cooperation with Istanbul GEDIK University and Pendik Guidance Research Center, the 2022-2023 Academic Year Pendik RAM Annual PDR Meeting and School Integration Seminar started with the opening speech of Pendik Ram Director Alaaddin Karacan.

İstanbul GEDİK University’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kesik underlined the importance of guidance in education and the work done in this direction.

Rector “The Guidance and Research Centers; It has an important place in raising the awareness of our society and reintegrating individuals affected by the inadequacy into society through education.” used the phrases.

Rector said, “Critical studies are being carried out to take the right steps by doing the necessary research. It is portentous for our University to take part in and contribute to every study carried out with this awareness.”

With the statement “I would like you to know that we are always ready to support your studies in line with the possibilities, with the administrative and academic staff of our university”

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kesik underlined that our university is open to any kind of cooperation in this field.After the speech of Rector Kesik, Pendik The Guidance and Research Centers meeting was held.