FEASS Journal

The Eklektik Journal, which will be published by the Faculty of Economics, Administrative, and Social Sciences at Istanbul Gedik University, will be peer-reviewed and issued twice a year, starting from June. The journal will be published in both Turkish and English. It aims to include works in the fields of political science, public administration, international relations, international trade, law, history, anthropology, economics, business administration, management/information systems, sociology, psychology, marketing, media, and related sub-disciplines within the social sciences.

Eklektik Journal aims to contribute to the scientific accumulation and promote interdisciplinary studies by publishing original research in various disciplines of the social sciences. In addition to scientific research articles and theoretical papers, the journal will also feature research notes, academic translations, review articles, statistical analyses, case studies, and book reviews.

For its inaugural issue, Eklektik Journal will accept submissions until May 15, 2023, through the website https://eklektik.gedik.edu.tr.

Please refer to the writing guidelines for submitted articles: https://eklektik.gedik.edu.tr/yazim-kurallari

For the publication principles of Eklektik Journal: https://eklektik.gedik.edu.tr/etik-ilkeleri-ve-yayin-politikasi

For Editors and Editorial Boards: https://eklektik.gedik.edu.tr/dergi-kurullari