
In IGUN- TOMER, course levels are arranged in accordance with the basic language levels in the European Language Portfolio.



A1-                 The student can understand and use simple sentences at this level. He / she can introduce himself /herself and introduce others. In this context, he/she can answer questions such as where he/she lives, who he/she knows, what he/she has and so on. He/she can communicate through simple sentences.


A2-                 The student can understand simple phrases in direct priority areas such as basic personal information, family information, shopping, immediate surroundings, business and etc. He/she can express himself/herself in ordinary simple situations where there is a direct exchange of information on familiar issues.


B1-                  When spoken clearly, he/she can explain the events and his experiences; can talk about his/her dreams, hopes and desires. He/she can understand outline of the speech about common things like work, school, leisure activities etc. He/she can overcome most situations that can be encountered in travels, where the language is spoken.


B2-                  The student can comprehend the content of texts containing abstract and concrete topics; can also understand discussions in his/her area of ​​expertise. He/she can express himself/herself in detail and comprehensively on different subjects and reflect his own perspective by revealing the positive and negative aspects of a subject.


C1-                 Student can use language flexibly and effectively for academic and professional purposes and in daily life. He/she can express himself /herself quickly and fluently without the need to search for words frequently. He/she can express his/her views on complex issues clearly, regularly and in detail. Meanwhile, he can connect texts by using various linguistic tools appropriately.


Placement Exam is done to determine the level at which students will start their education. According to the exam results, the course level at which the student will start education is determined.

A1 20-49
A2 50-59
B1 60-69
B2 70-79
C1 80-89
C2 90-100


In order for the student to complete the level he / she has received and pass the higher level, he / she must be successful in the course completion exam. To be successful in the exam, the student must get the minimum score determined by GEDİK UNIVERSITY-TÖMER from each of the listening, speaking, reading and writing sections. Students who do not get enough points at the end of the exam will repeat the same level. Certificates are delivered to successful students.

***Course completion exams are evaluated over 100 points. For B1 and higher levels, at least 15 points must be obtained from each of the reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.