Manager Message

Hello from IGUN-TOMER

Our center provides education in the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language with the principles of the European Common Suggestions Framework for Languages ​​prepared by the European Union commissions and the teaching approach that adopts the “Ear language habit method” and the “Cognitive Learning Approach”.

In our A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 courses; by following the listening-speaking-reading-writing sequence, it is aimed that the student has an equal command of all four skills. Grammar is taught in the process by induction method while reinforcing through repetition and imitation. In our language teaching method, activities are organized in which the student will be exposed to the language and culture bath in order to increase their command of the Turkish language and to speed up the learning process. Speaking groups are created in the classroom and school, activities, projects, games and trips are planned to be in contact with the environment outside the school.

Hope to come together in the IGUN-TOMER family that grows every day with its integrated approach that aims for the students who gets Turkish proficiency certificate not only to reach a sufficient level for Turkish education, but also having language and culture transfer to live comfortably as a social individual in Turkey.