11 Ara 2023

Nursing department faculty members VI. He presented his posters and papers at the International Health Sciences Congress

VI. organized on behalf of Trakya Universities Union between 30 November – 01 December 2023, hosted by Trakya University Health Sciences Institute, at Trakya University Balkan Congress Center – Edirne. Head of the Department of Nursing, Prof., attended the International Health Sciences Congress. Dr. K.Derya Beydağ, Dr. Lecturer Özlem Işıl and Dr. Lecturer Tuğçe Atak Meriç attended.

Prof.Dr.K.Derya Beydağ made her presentation at the congress with her oral presentations titled “Conflict Action Styles of Nurses Working in Private Hospital and Factors Affecting These Styles” and “The Relationship Between Women’s Instagram Addiction Levels and Their Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery”.

Dr. Lecturer Özlem Işıl presented her oral presentation with her research titled “Evaluation of Factors Affecting Immobilization Comfort, Hematoma and Pain in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography”.

To the Congress; Lecturer Dr. Tuğçe Atak Meriç participated with a poster presentation with her research titled “Systematic Review of Studies on Spiritual Practices as Coping Methods in Children”.