23 Oct 2024

Department of Architecture Design Studio I-II-III-IV-V 1st Intermediate Jury Requirements






Submissions will be received on Friday, 01.11.24 (between 09:15-09:45) at Block B, 1st Floor, Classroom 103 and Block C, Open Workshop. Plans and model photographs must be uploaded to the distance education system until 23:59 on Friday, 01.11.24.

Projects submitted after the deadline will not be included in the jury evaluation.


The 1st intermediate juries will be held face to face with the relevant groups on Friday, 01.11.24, starting at 10:00 am.


· PROJECT SUBMISSION SHEETS FORDESIGN STUDIO I and II COURSE MUST BE HAND DRAWN (Analyzes can be performed in computer environment.)


· 3 Sample Project Analysis: Explaining the contribution of the selected 3 sample projects to the design starting point by turning them into drawings

· Program of Need

· Neighborhood list, area studies related to units, their m2 and total m2, KAKS/TAKS information,

· etc.

· Unit Study: Ready-made templates should not be used. It should be the student’s own work.

· For example;

· – Elementary studies of spaces such as living space, kitchen, wc for Design Studio I

· – Platform, waiting room, etc. for Design Studio II

· – Accommodations for Design Studio III

· – Study for Design Studio IV including the number of houses/apartments, their m2 and total m2

· – For Design Studio V, conference hall, structural system, etc.

· Analysis Sheets: Photographs and diagrams of the project area, function diagrams and other needed analyses, the spots designed in the analyses should be shown.

· 1/500 and 1/200 Scale Site Plan, Sections and Silhouettes: With the immediate surroundings.

· 1/500, 1/200 and 1/100 Scale Studies related to the Design Idea (Plan, section, perspective, etc.)

· (note: ground floor, normal floors and parking lot idea should be expressed schematically)

· 1/1000, 1/500, 1/200 or 1/100 Scale Mass and Model Studies: Perspectives, mass studies with model. For the expression of the design, the model should be properly expressed with the project area and masses.

· It is important that the model should be made. Autocad printouts (roads, buildings, etc.) should not be pasted on the model. The leveling system should be indicated on the model and the masses should be placed on the land.

· 1/200 scale environment for Design Studio I (mass models should be made by hand.)

· 1/500 scale for Design Studio II (terrain and mass models should be made by hand)

· 1/500 scale for Design Studio III

· 1/1000 scale for Design Studio IV

· 1/1000 scale model studies for Design Studio V

· Models can be made in different scales upon the request of the group instructor, but not larger than the scales given above.

· In addition to the required scales, the student can make models in different scales to express his/her design/idea upon the request of the group instructor.

· Perspective/Model studies:

· (Design Studio I and II students cannot submit visuals drawn in digital programs, they cannot submit

· drawn axonometric/double escape perspectives will be accepted).

NOTE 1: The sheets will not be more than 8 pieces in A1 Size.

NOTE 2: On the layout of the sheets, the school emblem, project subject, number, name, date, Lect. Member or Lecturer. It should be paid attention that information such as the names of the students should be given.

Information such as School, Faculty, Executor, Student information, Layout order, subject and field of study will be given by leaving 7 cm space from the bottom. The design will belong to the student. In horizontal use, 4 cm space will be left from the bottom.

The student who submits his/her work states and accepts with honor that the project has been prepared without any help that would contradict scientific ethics and traditions in all processes from the beginning to the finalization of the project.