29 Oca 2024

Excitement of the English Knowledge Quiz at the School of Foreign Languages

The “English Knowledge Quiz” held on January 11, 2024, among our students in the English Preparatory Program, was an exciting event. The competition featured three teams, each comprising two students from every class, who engaged in a competitive struggle. The contest had three stages: the first stage included culture, music, and world history; the second stage covered geography, literature, and science; and the final stage focused on English grammar. The team, consisting of Zeynep Nur Arslan and Muhammed Emin Kartal from the Newton class, Baha İncesu and Nazlı Can Gündoğdu from the Kahlo class, and Ulaş Gedik from the Einstein class, navigated these challenging stages successfully and emerged as the winners. Our School of Foreign Languages Director, Ms. Antonina Nemtinova, presented gifts to the winning team.

We extend our thanks to all the participating students and the audience for their support.