19 Şub 2021

To the Attention of English Preparatory Program Students !!!

Welcome to Istanbul Gedik University 2020-2021 Spring Semester! The last term may have been a bit challenging since it was the beginning of a new education life for you, but you still did a great job, we congratulate you for this.

During the fall semester, you have become accustomed to our university’s English Preparatory Program, your responsibilities (homework, participation, etc.), the Distance Education System, the virtual lessons, exams and many other things that are necessary for you to complete this program successfully, so you know everything about the process.

However, there are some important points that we want to remind you and that you should pay attention to. We would also like to announce that there are new developments that we would like to inform you about.

The things that should be paid attention for 2020-2021 Spring Term English Preparatory Program:

  • Courses: Lessons in the English Preparatory Program will be taught remotely, synchronously. Participation in virtual (live) lessons is vital for you to successfully complete this program.
  • Participation: As you know, attendance is compulsory in order to complete the English Preparatory Program and take the English Proficiency Exam at the end of the term.
  • Unlike the last period, this period; You must have watched the virtual (live) lessons that you could not attend until 17:00 on Friday of the week of the lessons. Otherwise, the course hours you did not attend and watch during that week will be recorded as “absent” in the OBS system.


  • Homework: You must complete all the exercises of the units that were processed in that week regularly every week through the Cambridge Learning Management System (CLMS).
  • You should also write your writing assignments on a Word file, including your name, surname, date, writing in Times New Roman, 12 pt., Double spaced, and upload it as a Word file on the guzem system. Also, if you plagiarise, it will be detected on the turnitin and in this case, your homework will be considered invalid and your score will be ‘0’. As a result of the detection of such a situation, disciplinary action is also possible.
  • Exams: You will have 2 midterm exams and quizzes during the 2020-2021 Spring semester. Your midterm exams will be held online as in the previous semester.
  • Before the quizzes are given, your teachers can inform you or suddenly tell you during the lesson, so you need to be prepared in any situation. If you are absent, your quiz grade will be ‘0’.

All responsibility for the above mentioned matters belongs to you. We would like to remind you that if you do not pay attention to these issues, you will not be able to complete the English Preparatory Program successfully. We wish you a successful academic term!