22 Tem 2024

Wednesday, 07.08.2024 Early English Proficiency Exam for Students Who Failed the English Preparatory Program

Early English Proficiency Exam for Students Who Failed the English Preparatory Program will be held on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Exam Time:
Written Exam 10:00 – 12:00.

Oral Exam 13:00 (5 minutes for each candidate).

Exam Place:
Written Exam: Kartal Campus B Block Classroom No. B402, B403, B404 ve B405
Oral Exam:  Kartal Campus B Block Classroom No. B402, B403, B404 ve B405

General Information About the Exam:
  • Your written exam duration is 120 minutes.
  • The exam consists of two parts. (Written and Oral Exam)
  • You can access information about the exam format by clicking this link.
  • If you have any other questions about the exam, you can contact the School of Foreign Languages to consult. Phone: 444 5 438 (1163) – Instagram: @gedikyabancidiller
  • Students coming to the exam should bring pencils, erasers, and sharpeners.
  • You should bring both a ballpoint pen and a pencil at the time of the exam.
Exam Rules:
  1. Lecture notes, books and other materials are collected at the place determined by the course instructor, instructor, or supervisor.
  2. Invigilators arrange for students to sit properly and check their identities and ensure that students sign the attendance list.
  3. Invigilators explain that the IDs of the students taking the exam must be on the desk during the exam.
  4. It is forbidden for students to have devices such as mobile phones, headphones, pocket computers, Bluetooth, voice recorders, smart watches with them during the exam. If there are such devices, in accordance with the exam rules it is ensured that they are kept turned off in a place where a student cannot reach them before the exam.
  5. It is forbidden for students who have finished the exam to wait in the corridor, enter other exam halls, and speak and signal with the students who are still taking the exam.

We wish you luck.

For detailed information, you can review the link below and the attached file. https://bilgi.gedik.edu.tr/english-proficiency/applications