Turkey’s Clımate Change Polıcıes and Regulatıons

Prof. Dr. Kutluhan Bozkurt

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61150/gedikyay.240402


Climate change is a current and important issue that affects many countries and is also an important problem for Turkey. In the fight against climate change, there is a need for the right climate policies and comprehensive and effective legal regulations in the light of these policies. Turkey has to take into account two main axes while determining its national climate policies and regulations in the fight against climate change. On the first axis, as a sovereign state, it must take into account international law and the regulations of this discipline regarding global warming and climate change on the second axis, since it is in the process of full membership to the EU, it must take into account the global warming and climate change policies and regulations of the EU.

This paper will carefully evaluate Turkey’s current and potential climate change policies and regulations and provide recommendations on what needs to be done.


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